By Ben Thiem, Director of Member ServicesI would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who helped make our 30th Anniversary Gala on Monday at the Palmer House a success. It was a fantastic evening with great friends and supporters, delicious food and drink, moving and hilarious speeches and performances and tons of warm fuzzies. Congratulations again to each of our honorees: Chicago Shakespeare Theater, Janet Davies, the side project, and Marcie McVay. It was a special night and a perfect celebration of our 30th anniversary.
Special thanks to Diana Martinez our incredible Gala Chair (one more year?), Rue McClanahan, our generous and supportive board of directors, and the entire membership. The event would not have been possible without your many contributions, from donating tickets, subscriptions, and auction packages to decorating and creating unique and imaginitive centerpieces.
On behalf of the League staff, we wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend.